Kanchō's Message"Shisenkan First Year Anniversary" |
2024.2.3Dear Deshi,Today we mark the anniversary of the establishment of Shisenkan on 2023/2/3. On this occasion, I would like to thank all of you who chose to follow me from the first day or joined throughout the year. Severing affiliations and leaving behind old habits, then joining me on a new martial life’s path could be a dramatic step for anybody, but you have made your choice to follow my teaching with conviction and determination, and for that, I am sincerely thankful. Some Kobudō teachers think that the organization is them and they are the organization. In contrast, I believe that the deshi are the beating heart of the organization, and reflect the quality of the organization and its head. It is therefore my mission to provide my deshi the best teaching while removing any limitations to accessing the knowledge I hold. This, in short, is my philosophy and approach as Shisenkan Kanchō and shall remain so for as long as my deshi seek to learn with a sincere and pure heart.Now, a year after Shisenkan establishment, we have shibu and dōjō in twelve countries on five continents. It is time now to deepen our roots in each location, and continue our growth by first focusing on training, then making our quality known to all. Each instructor should assess one’s strengths and weaknesses, skills, knowledge, or lack thereof, and strive to move forward with one’s personal development. This, in turn, will be the best leadership for one’s deshi. To support the dissemination of knowledge through better access to training for instructors and all yūdansha (black belts), I have appointed Handa Shinan and Tierney Shinan as Senior Instructors (Jōtō shidōin). As senior instructors, they will assist me in all teaching activities globally.As Shisenkan develops and grows, all deshi must be aware of and pursue the Nine Virtues of Shisenkan. I will further explain the meaning of this in direct teaching kuden.
Lastly, I would like to explain to you about the Shisenkan Mokuroku (Curriculum), which is the content and essence of Shisenkan teaching. The guiding principle in Shisenkan Mokuroku is to assign six traditions as the core, or first tier, of the Mokuroku, and another six as a second tier. In addition, there is a third tier, which is outside traditions we experience to enhance our general knowledge of Kobudō. For example, in the first tier, there are Takagi, Kukishin, and Gyokkō, among others, that provide a comprehensive and complete Taijutsu and weapons Mokuroku. The second tier includes traditions that are unique and specialize in specific skills. In the third tier, the “outside traditions” deshi may experience the Kenjutsu of Kōotsu, or Taijutsu of Bokuden, for example.The way of the skillful martial expert is to focus on just a handful of traditions and learn them deeply to the highest goku’i levels. One who only learns the initial level of shoden of numerous traditions can never become an expert, as confusion and illusion follow on such a path.A famous text for young samurai known as Budo Shoshinshū instructs the samurai to adopt an attitude of living each day as if it is the last day of their lives because they do not know when they will be called to fight for their lord. As your Kanchō, my greatest happiness and satisfaction would be to see you adopt this attitude for acquiring knowledge and getting more skillful. As knowledge and its skillful application is the greatest asset we have, we must seek it with resolve. Let’s do our best to teach and learn together this year and in the many years ahead.Ron Kosen, Kanchō |